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Beer Bike


Beer. Bike. The greatest athletic event south of the North Pole. The ancient Greeks had the Olympics. The modern world has the… Olympics. But we, we have Beer Bike. What does this athletic spectacle entail? Surprisingly, bikers. Beer Bike is actually 3 bike races. The first is an alumni race that begins in the morning, soon after is the women’s race, and to close it off the men’s. In previous years, each race was one heat with all 11 colleges plus the GSA (participating like one college) competing at the same time, but this past year the race was done in 2 heats, with each heat having 6 colleges. The race itself is like a relay race and every college will have a bike team, chug team, and pit crew. To start, a chugger will step up to the chug stand and once given the signal, chug a can of water, and as soon as they’re done the pit crew will throw a biker onto the track. The biker will do 2, if they’re on the alumni or women’s team, or 3, if they’re on the men’s team, laps around the  track and then be caught by the pit crew, at which point a chugger will then start to chug to repeat the cycle.  Each team will do this 8 times per race, so there are 8 chuggers, 8 bikers, and 5 pit crew members per team. But you can be both a biker and chugger at the same time, we call these people Ironmen. That’s about it for the race itself, simple huh? Way back in the day the chugs were done with beer hence the name Beer Bike, if you’re 21 you can choose to chug with beer as the GSA team does, but most people just choose water. 


Beer Bike is not just about the races. We have so many fun events during the week and the day of the event. From karaoking in commons to the biggest water balloon fight in the world, Beer Bike is also an opportunity to bond with your fellow Will Ricers and remind other colleges that our college is the absolute best!


Anyways that brings me to a Will Rice proverb:


Five Friendly Times.


 Five. 5. 🖐️. If you believe in angel numbers, 555 is going to be your number. What’s so important about 5? It’s the number of times we’ve made history, the number of times we’ve s.w.e.p.t. meaning we won every race: the alumni’s, women’s, and men’s.


And guess what: Will Rice is the only college to have ever swept!

So welcome to the winningest college!!

Bike Team


Do you crave glory? Do you thrive on speed? Have you ever ridden a bike? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then prepare yourself, because the Will Rice Bike Team is the path to immortal greatness that awaits you.


There are few experiences in life that parallel being a part of the Will Rice Bike Team. It sets your heart on fire. When your soul burns with the power of the Phoenix, the freezing headwinds of winter become a cool breeze through your hair as the pistons of your legs pump you down the asphalt of glories past and future. You will experience speeds known only to skydivers and waterfall barrel riders. On that fateful weekend of Beer Bike, as you stand before all of your college, surrounded by friends and family, donning the rust and gold jersey for which you proudly sacrificed your time, sweat, and body, the spirit of generations of Will Rice bike teams burns with yours, igniting a fiery determination within your soul, as you become a vessel for all those that came before you.  If the day is just right and you make the dream of a Sweep a reality, for a moment, you fly with the gods. You will never be more proud. It will be a more valuable memory than the day you graduate or the birth of your first child. We love this.

Other colleges don't understand what it means to love something the way we yearn for the thrill of a carbon frame barreling by the Bubble with abandon. We hold every important cycling record to date and there is no end in sight. Will Rice is the most winningest college in the history of Beer Bike and we will always give ourselves to victory. Alumni, Women, and Men, we make it happen together. If you have any interest in basking in the glory of being part of the bike team, please contact any one of the team captains. All biking experience levels are welcome, from not knowing how to clip into cleated pedals to years of time in the saddle. We all enjoy a relaxing casual ride, too. Riding is an experience we would love to share with anyone who is even half-interested. Don’t be afraid to talk to anyone on the team about how to join us on our next ride. See you on the track!

- Josh Borja (Will Rice '24)

Chug Team


As you ascend the illustrious chug stand, an emblem of greatness towering before your adoring fans, friends, and family, the echoes of anticipation fill the air. The atmosphere is electric, hearts pounding in unison. A distant cheer rises, growing louder with each passing moment: “They’re 40 yards out… They’re 30 yards out… Ready. Set. Chug! Chug! Chug!” These words are ingrained into the hearts of every single student at Rice. While the grand spectacle of Biking may dazzle the eyes, it is only through Chugging that true greatness lies, an art form that transcends mere glamor and ascends to new heights of glory. 

And in this pursuit of greatness, let’s not forget the practical benefits of chugging. One chug is equal to 33% of your daily water intake. Talk about being hydrated! While maybe not everyone has ridden a bike before, everyone has drank water (and plenty of times probably!) and so you are that much closer to being a Will Rice Chugger!

For in the realm of chugging, water becomes our nectar, our lifeblood. With each sip, we embody the very essence of the Phoenix ( a symbol of fire), rising from the ashes, reborn with every gulp. The cold embrace of water courses as ice in our veins, a symbol of the indomitable spirit. Love Water? Perfect! Come on over! Never chugged before? Fret not, we practice chugging every day and we will get you in tip top shape! Chugging isn’t for you? Don’t worry, you’re invited too! We love the support! 

- Subash Jagadeesan (Will Rice '24), Feliper Lerner (Will Rice '25), Madeleine Lucid (Will Rice '25)

Pit Crew

Do you even lift, bro? Can you outrun a braking bike? While some might say biking and chugging are the main stars of Beer Bike, Pit Crew are the unsung heroes, and are (s)uber(u) important to keeping the race safe and speedy! 

Picture this: The race reaches its climax as the penultimate biker hurtles towards the culmination of his leg. Will Rice and the lesser colleges are locked in a fierce battle, their determination palpable in the air. The crowd erupts with thunderous cheers, their energy lighting up the atmosphere. Amidst the chaos and excitement, a solitary figure emerges on the track.

In the midst of this tumultuous moment, this extraordinary individual radiates an aura of effortless tranquility. Calm, cool, and collected, the runner stands as a beacon of unwavering composure. As the biker approaches, their hand rises, signaling a pivotal moment.


Like a guardian angel guiding their charge, the runner flags down the biker and directs them towards the pit. The catchers, with an ethereal grace, shepherd the biker into a sanctuary of safety. It is a seamless exchange, a testament to the flawless execution of the pit crew. With the grace of a masterfully-conducted symphony, the throwers, in perfect harmony with the chugger, send off our final biker into the fray. 


Will Rice, driven by this display of synchronized brilliance, stands on the precipice of triumph, poised to secure the coveted sixth sweep and etch our names in the annals of victory. As the legacy unfolds, as the cheers reverberate through time, will your name rise as an Atlantean pillar, forever revered in the banners of Will Rice Commons? 


We’re the oil that keeps this race smooth, and the net that makes sure all bikers start and end safely. How sexy!

- Ivana Hsyung (Will Rice '24) & Josh Borja (Will Rice '24)

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